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This blog is to share lessons from a leadership class I took.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Networking and Business Etiquette

"Networking is the process or practice of building up or maintaining informal relationships, especially with people whose friendship could bring advantages such as job or business opportunities."-  World English Dictionary

Although I am clearly aware of my purpose for networking, crafting my personal 30 second commercial has proven really difficult to do. I plan to remedy this by discussing with close friends who are either students or professionals on how to effectively gain this vital networking skill. Additionally, I plan to use the internet as a resource to eloquently and professionally create my personal pitch.

I just had my mission call to serve in the Illinois Chicago mission. Networking would be an invaluable tool in my role as a missionary. I believe my ability to connect with the members and investigators there would be a strong indicator of how successful I become on the mission field.

I am a religious person. As such the first step I intend taking to overcome my fears is to be worthy of the companionship of the Holy ghost and ask for strength from Heavenly Father. I would then follow this by studying how others have overcome these fears from books as well as from the real life experiences of the leaders I come in contact with. I would then strive to put what I've learnt to practice. I am confident this three step plan would enable me emerge as someone awesome at networking.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Ethical Leadership


  1. To be spiritually mature and receptive to the promptings of the Holy Ghost.
  2. To gain as much knowledge and understanding about the meaning of life and success and thus be guided through my life's journey.
  3. To make as much money as possible.
  4. To gain wisdom.
  5. To complete tasks before set deadlines.
  6. To be a trustworthy person.
  7. To gain mastery over my weaknesses.
  8. To explore the wonders of the world through travel.