About Me

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This blog is to share lessons from a leadership class I took.

Monday, January 30, 2012


Do you think you are effective at communicating and how can you improve?
What are some new or different ways you learned to communicate that you will apply to your leadership role?
Realistically, what kind of listener are you? What can you do to become a better listener?
I have over the years developed certain communication skills which have proven quite useful. I however believe  there is still a lot I can do to communicate powerfully and prolifically- particularly in the the area of taking initiatives and having a positive optimism when communicating. My current role is of  a technical nature. Because of this I need to hone my analytical skills to the point where I establish trust in the students I TA.

All in all, I'm more of an attentive listener- especially with regards to subjects or issues that interest me. I intend to work on being more of an empathetic listener as this creates a more friendly and comfortable environment for effective communication. I hope to achieve this by trying to understand and showing a genuine concern for the welfare of the  people I listen to.

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