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This blog is to share lessons from a leadership class I took.

Monday, February 27, 2012


The six Cs of decision making were applied in my role as follows:
  • Construct- I had a clear idea of why I chose to be a TA for the signals and systems class( ECEn 380 class). I knew that signals and systems was key to my research in scheduling algorithms for 4G networks. 
  • Compile- I was fully aware at the time of my decision that I had the requisite MATLAB skills to work in the labs. I also reviewed signals and systems the first semester I arrived in the department. I was therefore familiar with the theory of that class. Putting all these down on paper helped me make my decision without  hesitation.
  • Collect- I gathered the main tools I needed to succeed as a TA ( signals and systems textbook and lab book) and often discussed with the professor ways I could be more effective in my role. Armed with these tools, I only needed to be committed to succeed.
  • Compare- I often interacted with the graduate students who have worked as ECEn 380 TAs . These TAs have  taught me quite a number of approaches to being effective in my role. 
  • Consider what might go wrong- From the moment I chose to be work as TA, I was aware of the possibility of not communicating effectively with my students as I come from a totally different country with an entirely different accent and vocabulary. I was also keenly aware that lack of preparation for each lab session could prove problematic for me. I have striven to mitigate these two challenges as much as possible by learning some American vocabulary and preparing ahead of each lab.
  • Commit to a decision- I have made a decision to be an ECEn 380 TA without any regrets. Its been fun for me.

The RACE model does indeed help activities or events run faster since its a structured approach to problem solving. RACE, which stands for 'research and training','action','carry out','evaluation and report' ensures that attention is paid to the smallest detail in the planning and execution of events. It truly is an effective model that helps to break activities into clear modules that can be independently analyzed and implemented.

Friday, February 17, 2012


Based on the lecture and the lab session, I've resolved to listen more and observe myself while I do this. I'm more determined now after Tamara's lecture to be intentional and accountable to myself with all tasks I undertake. By carefully achieving these two goals, I am confident I'd be more in control of the events around me than letting events control my life. Listening more would enhance my communication and learning skills. Being more conscious and accountable would make me more responsible in my dealings.

Balance is the art of being in equilibrium with the events in one's life. It is the mastery of events in such a way that one is always in control regardless of what is happening. I implement balance in my role as a TA by prioritizing and doing that which is most important and then progressing to less important stuff. As I do this, I strive not to be too engrossed in my work that I do not have a healthy relationship with my students. I complete tasks on schedule so I could work on my research and other academic and social activities.

The most pronounced example I can give where I've been an excellent time manager would be how I handle the signals and systems labs with the students I TA. I go around finding out their challenges with the labs and helping them solve those problems so they could complete the labs on time. So far, we have not had any students behind schedule except for two students who have had to miss some labs because of family and health issues. We are working so these students can also catch up with the rest of the class. All in all, I feel good about the pace things are going and I'll continue to put in my best to ensure that we are on top of things.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Utilizing our strengths and weaknesses

Example of when I've utilized my strength/weakness:
I used to be really shy when I spoke in public because of a huge birthmark I have on my face. I later realized that wherever I spoke I had the complete attention of nearly all my audience primarily because most people tend to stare at my birthmark and wonder. I have utilized this a lot when I speak in church or when I offer a lesson in the lab. As long as I have the attention of my audience, I'm happy sharing what needs to be shared.

Our group project is aimed at meeting the special needs of some physically challenged persons. I think the major strength of this project is the intense enthusiasm  my team mates and I have towards sharing our time with these folks. Being thus motivated, we plan on opening booths with various activities for the special needs children. We are yet to decide on the specific activities.

Sunday, February 5, 2012


I would like to describe in detail how norming and  performing has affected my team.

I believe the norming stage begun about two weeks ago with the team of students I TA. I now know most of them and call them by their respective names. The students do likewise to me. Interactions between me and the ECEn 380 students has improved considerably. This enhanced communication has enabled me realize and appreciate the true meaning of norming- a teamwork stage where things have become normal and where shyness, hesitation and lack of effective communication is rather minimal.

With regards to performing, I am surprised at the fast pace at which we have successfully completed four labs already without much problem. Most of the students appear to understand what is going on and are willing to work as hard as they can to link signal theory to MATLAB exercises. I personally have gained added understanding to systems concepts as I do all labs ahead of time before working with my students. I guess I could sum up the meaning of performing as being self motivated to accomplish group tasks within scheduled time.

The dysfunction I've noticed with my team is fear of conflict. I guess this is chiefly because my students  and I come from totally different backgrounds. Although we treat each other with respect, you could sense the subtle presence of fear of conflict. I realized that learning more about american culture is helping me be more open  and sensitive but nevertheless frank in sharing my opinion about issues that crop up. I also think my approach is being reciprocated by most of the students and I really appreciate that.