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This blog is to share lessons from a leadership class I took.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Utilizing our strengths and weaknesses

Example of when I've utilized my strength/weakness:
I used to be really shy when I spoke in public because of a huge birthmark I have on my face. I later realized that wherever I spoke I had the complete attention of nearly all my audience primarily because most people tend to stare at my birthmark and wonder. I have utilized this a lot when I speak in church or when I offer a lesson in the lab. As long as I have the attention of my audience, I'm happy sharing what needs to be shared.

Our group project is aimed at meeting the special needs of some physically challenged persons. I think the major strength of this project is the intense enthusiasm  my team mates and I have towards sharing our time with these folks. Being thus motivated, we plan on opening booths with various activities for the special needs children. We are yet to decide on the specific activities.

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