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This blog is to share lessons from a leadership class I took.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


How I have implemented change or would implement change in my role as a TA.

Honestly, I have not had much exposure to methods for leading change. After the last lecture  however, I am convinced that if I'm to succeed in leading change, I need to incorporate the DR. GRAC model to my leadership role. DR. GRAC, which is an acronym for
DR.- desired results
G- guidelines
R- resources
A- accountability
C- consequences
is a structured approach to being an effective leader who channels change constructively.

Applying the DR. GRAC model to my role as a teaching assistant,  I intend reviewing the aims and objectives of necessary topics in signals and systems. This would help me know exactly where I'm headed with my students. The next thing to do is to discuss how the professor I'm working with would like events with regards to the course in question be directed. This would serve as a guideline for me. I have tonnes of resources to use to be effective in my role as a TA. These include textbooks, the internet, the course professor and the experience of other TAs. I intend to maximize the use of these resources. Apart from being accountable to the professor I work with, I believe the most important person I'm accountable to is myself. I plan to challenge myself to be the best I can possibly be in my role. I  believe the consequences of all this would be shared by my students and me. In general, as I assess student performance through grading, my efforts would also be evaluated by students through the evaluations they submit each semester. Consistently applying this model to my role is sure to make me a champion of change.

1 comment:

  1. incredible!!! This is most touching article. It is beautifully written to step by step about change leadership. Thanks and keep updating…
