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This blog is to share lessons from a leadership class I took.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Public Speaking

1.       Where have you implemented public speaking within your role?
2.       What aspect of public speaking are you going to improve on?
3.       What did you like best or was surprised to learn in Diona’s presentation?

 My role as a TA requires that I introduce signals and systems labs each week to a class of approximately 24 students. I often review the theory behind the labs before we begin work in Matlab. Although initially it was nerve racking standing in front  of a class that large, taking the Student Leadership development course has enhanced my presentation skills. 

I need to improve on the use of professional visual aids in my presentations because most students I work with easily pick up the coding procedures in Matlab when the examples I use to illustrate theoretical concepts are clear and meaningful. Good visual aids could enhance this process.

I loved Diona's exuberance. Her enthusiasm filled the class with a vibrant positive energy that gave more power and meaning to her presentation. I guess we have the TAs and the professor to thank for their inspired selection of speakers for this class.

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